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Vol. 32, No. 3
Maurice, A. B. (editor)
New York: Dodd, Mead, and Company, 1910-11-01 182 p.; 26.5 x 18 cm
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Contents The Bookman Advertiser: Adv2-Adv68
Chronicle and Comment: 217-235
Kate Douglas Wiggin: 236-236
Representative American Story Tellers. Kate Douglas Wiggin. XIV (Winter, Calvin): 237-243
Inside Views of Fiction. The Society Novel. VII: 244-247
Little Ballads of Timely Warning. On Laziness and Its Resultant Ills. III (Butler, Ellis Parker): 247-248
The Younger American Playwrights (Hamilton, Clayton): 249-257
The Menu in Modern Fiction (Kenton, Edna): 257-262
The Boy and the Mother (Hagedorn, Hermann): 262-263
Baron Munchausen: 264-264
Baron Münchhausen's Illustrators (Allen, William): 265-272
Monarchs in Exile (Jenks, George C.): 273-282
The Craftsmanship of Writing. The Technique of Form. IV (Cooper, Frederic Taber): 282-289
The Value of Sincerity and Some Recent Books (Cooper, Frederic Taber): 290-296
Seven Books of the Month: 296-304
How the Battle Hymn Was Written (Howe, Julia Ward): 306-306
The Battle Hymn of the Republic (Howe, Julia Ward): 307-307
Reprinted Pages: 308-309
The Book Mart: 308-318
The Bookman Advertiser: Adv69-Adv78
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